Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My Miserable Update

The few people that actually check this blog may have noticed my recent absence the past few weeks. I have been stuck at home...sick and miserable. Ryan got sick maybe 3 weeks ago now and it turned out to be the WORST COLD EVER! Shane woke up with a will be 2 weeks ago tomorrow and then had a fever for 5 days. Shane had never been sick before or ever even had a low fever. It was awful. He sat around with me all weekend just this hot, limp little boy who wanted nothing but his Mommy.

After that miserable weekend I took him to Kaiser on Monday and was even shocked to see how worried the nurses were about him. Just about everyone knows how active Shane is and it is so unusual to see him just laying so still with me. We waited a ridiculously long time to see any available doctor and they said it was just a cold and to bring him back Wednesday if he wasn't better. Well the next day my Mom came over to help out and see Shane and was really worried. She had not seem him since he became sick and convinced me not to wait until the next day to take him back.

We spent almost 3 hours at Kaiser that night and did chest x-rays and breathing treatments and found out that he had the beginning stages of pneumonia. They gave him a shot of antibiotics and it was the first night he slept all the way through in his own bed. We really needed the sleep! We had to go back to Kaiser the next day and finally got to see our own doctor. She confirmed the previous diagnosis and we did another breathing treatment before being sent home with 9 days of antibiotics. I am so happy to say that Shane has been a much happier boy ever since.

The next day I was finally going back to work and woke up not feeling well myself. That was last Thursday and I am STILL HOME with this terrible cold. Now get this........I finally think I will be able to pull myself together to come in to work today and I wake up with crusty red eyes and called Kaiser only to have them prescribe antibiotics for double PINK EYE! Could I be any more miserable?!? I don't think so.


Tania said...

That is just horrible!! I hope everyone gets to feeling better soon!!

The Gomez Family said...

It's good to trust your instincts! Emilie had Pneumonia at 6 months - it really helps to have the meds! Hope you all get better soon!

Marni's Organized Mess said...

You poor thing!! I noticed... I should have checked on you.

The DeShazers said...

Oh no!! I was wondering why Grevin and I haven't seen or heard from you!! Hope everyone feels better!

Cristi said...

Bummer! I hope you're all better now!