Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Happy Holidays
Shane had a great first Christmas! Thank you to Grandma Linda and Grandma Sandi for having us over for Christmas and for spoiling him so much. Thank you to the rest of our family and friends too. I've never seen so many toys!! Luckily Grandma Linda bought him a beautiful toy chest to hold all the new toys he got. He is just starting to figure out his hands and should be able to play with all his toys soon. Now I need to figure out what to do with all of his books! Shane has been smiling at us for weeks, but just started laughing tonight. It is so much fun to see his reactions to different toys, sounds and facial expressions. I am just loving being home with him, but unfortunately I will be returning to work in a couple of weeks. I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season too!

Friday, December 7, 2007
Shane has learned to smile! The past couple weeks have been filled with big toothless grins and gurgling chatter that is just too adorable for words. He is growing into such a good little boy. He is sleeping an average of 7 hours straight at night now which is just wonderful for me. We took him for his 2 month appointment yesterday and he barely cried when he received his 3 shots. I think he handled it better than Daddy almost! He has gained almost 4 lbs and 2 inches since he was born. Still on the small side, but that is okay with me!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!
Shane had a busy week! We took him to Grandma Linda's school to visit all the teachers who have heard so much about him.
The doctor that delivered him is one of the parents at the school and we got our picture taken together.
The doctor that delivered him is one of the parents at the school and we got our picture taken together.
On Sunday we took him to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom for Frightfest. He did great for his first big adventure outdoors.
It was also my first adventure to breastfeed in public!
The weather was a beautiful 80 degrees and we all had a great time!
It was also my first adventure to breastfeed in public!
The weather was a beautiful 80 degrees and we all had a great time!
Once again he was sleeping, but isn't he cute when he sleeps?!?
Look at that big yawn!
And here he is as a little pumpkin.
Grandma Linda couldn't resist dressing him up!
Grandma Linda couldn't resist dressing him up!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Our growing boy!
He is now 7 lbs 15 oz and still 20 inches.
We have been keeping busy with many friends and family visiting. Shane made his first little friend (future girlfriend) Dakota last week.
Aren't they cute?
We have been keeping busy with many friends and family visiting. Shane made his first little friend (future girlfriend) Dakota last week.
Aren't they cute?
Shane trying to show off his muscles, but Dakota looks unimpressed!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
First check-up
Saturday, October 6, 2007
He's finally here!
Shane Lee Siliznoff
Thursday, October 4th, 1:58am
6 lbs 15 oz, 20 inches
Thursday, October 4th, 1:58am
6 lbs 15 oz, 20 inches
It was a very long 28 hours after my water initially broke before we were able to meet our little guy! My contractions were coming along slowly so after 12 hours I was started on Pitocin to help move things along. Another 6 hours later I was in a LOT of pain and still only dilated to 2.5 cm so they decided to give me an epidural. Contractions were a piece of cake after that! I can't imagine how things would have progressed without the epidural! It still took another 8 hours before I was fully dilated, but luckily I was feeling no pain during that time. Then it was 2 hours of pushing and there he was! Ryan did great during the entire process, but when they finally put Shane on my belly he almost fainted! He was so overwhelmed, but he did great. It was amazing! Shane came out crying and instantly knew who his parents were. Within minutes he was acknowledging our voices and was wide eyed with curiosity. He had absolutely no problems and is a perfectly healthy little boy. We are truly blessed!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
It's TIME!!!
It appears that Shane might be a little early after all. My girlfriend did predict that he would be 2 days early like her baby!! My water broke at 10:05 tonight and they want me to come in to the hospital by midnight. The strange part is it's been almost an hour and still no contractions! It sure makes things seem pretty easy at the moment, but I'm preparing myself for the pain soon to come. If labor isn't progressing, they will induce me so he is coming one way or another. I will keep everyone updated as soon as I can.
Jill and Ryan
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Counting down...22 days left!

Hello to all our friends and family!
I decided to start a blog page to keep everyone up to date on our progress. As you should all know, Ryan and I are expecting a baby boy soon. Shane Lee is due on October 5th, but I'm hoping he will arrive a bit early! I am scheduled to walk down the aisle in my best friend's wedding next weekend, so any time between Sept 23nd and Oct 5th will be fine with me! It has been such an amazing 9 months, but I'm starting to get pretty uncomfortable and I just can't wait for this little guy to get here!
Make sure to check back for updates and leave us comments! Today is my last day at work and I plan to update this site as much as possible.
Here are some of the 3D ultrasound pictures we had done in late July. It's so amazing to see our baby in such detail before he is even here!
Our sleepy little boy refused to wake up!

Here he is sucking his thumb...

We can already see he has cute dimples like his Daddy...

In this picture Ryan was talking to my belly and got Shane to crack his first smile : )

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