It appears that Shane might be a little early after all. My girlfriend did predict that he would be 2 days early like her baby!! My water broke at 10:05 tonight and they want me to come in to the hospital by midnight. The strange part is it's been almost an hour and still no contractions! It sure makes things seem pretty easy at the moment, but I'm preparing myself for the pain soon to come. If labor isn't progressing, they will induce me so he is coming one way or another. I will keep everyone updated as soon as I can.
Jill and Ryan
YEAH, im glad i couldnt sleep tonight and am up to read this great news, hopefully there will be a baby Shane in this world by the time i wake up in the morning!
OH it's midnight!! I hope Shane decided to come on his own but either way he must be on his way now! So exciting Jill! Can't wait to meet him, sending you lots of good labor vibes right now!
Im so happy for you guys! I cant beliecve hes coming!! I hope everything is going fine at the hospital, cant wait for me and Savannah to see him.
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