Thursday, July 1, 2010

Shane the Fisherman!

Daddy took Shane on his first fishing trip!! He got a cute little Toy Story fishing pole, a tub of worms and headed to Spring Lake. Shane had so much fun! The fish were biting instantly and they caught dozens of fish and crawdads. Shane was reeling in the fish all by himself even! I wish I could have been there, but Daddy took some really cute pictures for me. Shane is a pro already!

I love this smile! He is having so much fun!

Proud little fisherman!

After every catch Shane throws him back to his Mommy and Daddy fishies.

I love this dirty face! He is so proud!

Some of the fish they caught that day.

I got to go back the next time and get this super cute video of Shane fishing.

1 comment:

jessierose said...

He's such a big boy fisherman!