Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lake Trip #2 and the 4th of July

It's been a while since I've posted! We made another trip up to the lake and had a great time. It was over 100 degrees that weekend, but it really didn't seem that hot. We did a lot of floating with our cool new tubes and did a little wake boarding on the lake again. Shane ventured out farther into the pond than he ever has and even made it all the way out to the dock in the middle! He also went 2 out of 3 days with NO NAPS! It was the first time he had ever gone without a nap and he actually did pretty well. Luckily he slept the whole way home and went back to his normal schedule after that. It's a long and bumpy ride to this spot, but we love it!

We went to Jackie and Del's house for the 4th of July. Their whole block really gets into the spirit of this holiday and we always have lots of fun over there. The kids got to go for rides in the golf cart on the creek paths and one of the neighbors had a big jumpy in the front yard. We had TONS of fireworks this year and Shane loved it! He didn't seem to get scared at all. He got to stay up really late to watch most of the fireworks and to top it off he even went to sleep there with no fussing! He drove me crazy on Friday so maybe he was trying to make up for it :)

1 comment:

Dominique Long said...

Looks like fun!! Can't wait to see you guys! :)

PS Jill, you look soooo tan! Love it! Jealous....yes I am :)