Of course Shane went straight for the hose when he got out of the car...and gave me the cutest smile ever for the camera. He also loved scooping the rocks and dirt up in front of the house. For some reason there were hundreds of pennies in the dirt and collecting them kept him occupied for quite some time.
Dirt, rocks and sticks...he had lots of fun being a dirty boy!
Collecting pennies

Scooping rocks

Chillin in his camping chair
Does everyone know how Shane is obsesses with flowers? He kept saying "flower, flower" and I would tell him "no there aren't any flowers around here"...but of course my child would have found a flower this tiny where there is nothing but rocks and dirt. I thought it was hilarious and had to take a picture.

The house we stayed in is in a gated community where they have their own little "lake" with a playground, tables, BBQs, rope swing, river access, fishing, etc. It was the perfect place for us to hang out with Shane. We checked out the playground first, but Shane was more interested in his motorcycle or "mung" as he calls it!

Our little lake
Shane burying himself in the sand
Baby jail
The guys finally showed up in the afternoon and we went off the rope swing for a bit before heading out to the actual lake.
Me on the rope swing
Here is a little video of Ryan doing a back flip off the rope swing
Shane finally fell asleep on our way to go boating. I see he doesn't have his life jacket on in the pictures below, but DON'T WORRY GRANDMA...he had his life jacket on the whole time until we anchored on the back part of the lake to go swimming. He did so good on the boat this time, too! We were out there for a few hours and he didn't complain about the wind or his life jacket or wanting to get off. He even went back and forth to two different boats! I'm sure it helped having Daddy there this time. Ryan and I both got to wake board and had a really fun time! Although I can tell you that both of us are still REALLY SORE even two days later now!
Nap time
Driving the boat is hard work!
Enjoying the calm

Kisses for Mama in the water
On Sunday, Daddy showed Shane how to catch lizards! They had a great time that morning playing with a couple of blue belly lizards they found. Ryan made a little leash out of long grass and Shane walked it around like it was his pet. So cute!
No fear!

Hanging out with his new little buddy

He wanted to give it kisses!
Cool guy
That flower is great. LOVE it next to the penny. WOW!
Wish I could have gone! That looks like a freaking blast!!
Oh my gosh...that is too funny with the little flower. Shane is such a goober! :) Hehe. It's kinda like Dakota & airplanes. She see's them when they are just a teeny tiny spec in the sky...Eagle eyes...our children have eagle eyes!!! We need to get them together! My dad is coming this weekend to fix up Dakota's play house...you should come next week!
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