Here she is:
Shane has been learning so much lately and is doing so many funny things! He is trying to repeat words that we say (things like "outside", "doggy", "sockies", "kitty"), but of course no "Mama" still. He has been saying "Dad" and "Dada-dada" for a long time, although not directly to Ryan yet. I have been trying to teach him some of the Baby Sign Language too and on Saturday he did the sign for "eat", but I'm not sure he really understood it yet. He does crawl over to his highchair sometimes when I say "eat" and do the sign, so I think he is starting to get it.
He has also been doing this funny thing where he crawls around with things hanging out of his mouth like his sippy cup, hair brush, paper, (clean) diapers and even came out of the bedroom with my bra in his mouth one morning! The other day I asked him "where is your brush" and he crawled across the room and brought it back to me! My little puppy dog! So cute, but the best part is that he knew what I was talking about!!
My favorite new thing that he does is KISSES! I've been trying to get him to give kisses for a long time and he finally started giving them back last week, but on Saturday he actually came over to me, leaned in and kissed me all on his own! SOOOO cute!
I caught him twice on Sunday trying to put on my flip flops! I tried to sneak behind him and get a video without him noticing, but it didn't turn out very good. You can get the idea though:
We also spent the day Sunday visiting with Grandma Sandi and Grandpa Warren while Ryan was up in Reno. We went out to meet Warren's sister Lisa (who is expecting a baby any day now!), husband Andy and son Cameron. Cameron is 4 1/2 and was very cute asking where "Big Ryan" was and when I told him he was gone for the weekend he asked "who is taking care of him?" Isn't that funny? I wondered the same thing myself : ) Anyways, they live out by Bodega Bay and have a beautiful house up on a hill. Check out the view in some of these pictures.
Love that face he is making in front of the window! Glad you guys had a fun day!
Congrats to your brother! Love all the photos!!
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