Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Oakland Zoo and Train Town

My Mom has been wanting to take Shane to the zoo for a long time, so I finally had a day off of work when we could go to the Oakland Zoo and avoid the crowds. Our first attempt at visiting a zoo last year didn't go well...it was LA, it smelled and it was 102 degrees and just awful! This trip was so much better! There were hardly any people there and Shane was much more into the animals this time. We made it through the entire zoo and then got to ride the train and carousel. I was really impressed with how nice the Oakland Zoo was. I haven't been since I was a little kid and will definitely be taking Shane here again soon.

We watched the camels spit for a while.

Dancing in the meerkat tunnel

Shane thought the frogs were really cool

My little turtle

We got to see the new exhibit with emus and wallaroos! They were literally just a couple feet from us on the train. It was so cool, but I wasn't expecting it and didn't have my camera ready.
Heading out on the train with Grandma.

Shane and Mommy on the train

Shane was pretty bummed that the carousel was the only ride he was big enough to go on, but he still loved it!

Shane and I also went to Train Town this week, just the two of us! I had been wanting to take him for a long time and the weather was beautiful, so we just decided to go spur of the moment. He absolutely LOVED the trains! We went around a couple of times and he would point out the little animals and waterfalls and told me that it looked "just like Bambi"...whatever that means! I guess it reminded him of being in the forest. He kept saying it over and over and the people next to us thought he was so cute!

We started feeding the little goats, but of course he had to feed the big ones too.

This was the first time I let him ride all by himself...he felt like such a big boy!

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