Birthday girl!

Dinosaurs like dirt!

Anniston and Dakota...adorable bugs!
I made Dakota an ear flap hat with a flower (my very first one) and she loved it! She put it on right when she opened it and wore it the rest of the party. She is so cute! Dakota and Shane play very well together and had lots of fun playing with bubbles and riding around in Dakota's new PowerWheels Jeep.
Shane likes to pick flowers for "Kota" which of course I think is the cutest thing ever, but her Daddy is very protective of boys coming after his baby girl! At least Shane is polite and does nice things for his girl-friend! We'll see if the usual boy-shoving-girl flirtation comes around in Elementary school :)
Nora had her 2nd birthday party at the park too! Nora was so cute running around in her dress and loved all the attention. Shane seemed a little unsure at first, but then made friends with another cute little girl that talked even more than he does!
Birthday girl!
Grumpy man

Shane and his new friend told me they were making chocolate pies
We have such cute kids!
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