Then he saw the big carousel and could not wait to ride it! It was a big difference from the first time we took him on the carousel at Howarth Park...he was terrified then! This time he was excited and even chose what animals he wanted to sit on. We did the dragon first and then a seal. By the time he rode with Daddy he was done with the animals and just wanted to sit and look for Mommy and he went round and round!
Then we went to Colma to put flowers down for my Dad. I hadn't been there in a long time and it was the first time I had brought Ryan and Shane with me. I'm glad we did it, even though we had to sit in traffic for nearly 3 hours to get from there back to the Golden Gate. It was MISERABLE! Shane did not nap all day and the stop and go traffic was not helping. He wanted OUT! This was the lovely view we had for nearly 3 hours...