Last week was full of firsts for Shane. He had his first airplane ride, first bus ride, first time playing the slot machines in Vegas (he was not my good luck charm as I had hoped!), first time eating Filipino cuisine and first time meeting his cousin Carah! I was very nervous taking him on an airplane as most of you know that Shane does not like to sit still for very long, but he did great. He drank his milk and went right to sleep. It is so nice and convenient being able to fly right out of Santa Rosa!

We were able to spend a couple of days with Carah, Cory and Janice at Janice's parents house in Las Vegas. Cory and Janice are doing well and are just trying to figure out all this baby stuff while Janice is recovering from her c-section. Carah is adorable and oh so tiny! She slept most of the day and would wake up briefly to eat or to cry when she was getting her diaper changed, but we are told she is quite the nightowl!
Shane wasn't very interested in his cousin, but was always very concerned when she would cry. He would sign "sad" and then "all done, all done!" It was very cute. He also tries to say her name a lot since we've been home. I will try to catch that on video soon along with many of the signs he can do these days.
Shane and Carah first meet

Big yawn for such a tiny baby

So tiny compared to Shane

The happy family

Proud Grandma

Shane and Devon were buddies

Sleepy baby

Oh, and if you were wondering about the return did not go as smoothly as the first. We flew out around 3pm which is definitely past Shane's bedtime. He finished his milk before we even took off and was throwing a fit for about the first 15 minutes. It was awful and I was totally embarrassed, but then he passed out and slept the entire flight until we had to get off of the plane. A couple people on the plane tried to reassure me saying "Oh he wasn't bad at all!"...of course they say that after when he is oh so cute and sleepy!