Friday, November 21, 2008

My little swimmer

Shane had used his bath ring seat up until his 1st birthday last month because he was scared of slipping in the tub, but now he is fearless! His favorite new thing is to lay on his tummy and kick and splash and put his face in the water. I think we have a little swimmer on our hands! I know we aren't even officially into winter yet, but I can't wait to see how he does in the pool this summer. Just look at my cute little naked baby! :)

Shane's friend Dylan had his 1st birthday party last weekend. They weren't very interested in playing with each other, but Shane is really starting to get the hang of the whole opening presents situation now that he has been to so many birthday parties! After Christmas he will be a pro!

We also had a play date with Lennon. She is 6 weeks older than Shane and is just adorable. She LOVES to give hugs and kisses and always wants to share. I think she is a little too aggressive for Shane, but boy were they cute together!

P.S. I am VERY proud to report that Shane has been sleeping 11 hours straight EVERY NIGHT! WOO HOO! Hooray for me finally getting a decent nights sleep after a whole year!!! Let's hope I don't jinx it by talking about it :D

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween Fun


Don't we have the cutest little puppy dog?!? Shane is a little young for trick-or-treating still, but we did go to Nora's 1st Birthday/Costume Party last weekend where he got to wear his cute doggy outfit. It was about 90 degrees that day and I can't say the kids were very thrilled to be dressed up!

Birthday girl Nora, her cousin Mazie and Shane

Shane told Nora how good cheese puff are...
now she is hooked!

Shane is looking good in Emily's Elvis glasses

Singing Happy 1st Birthday to Nora!

Nora wearing the cute hat I made for her
(minus the halo)

Ryan and I carved pumpkins a couple days before Halloween and Shane was very excited to be in on the action. I wasn't sure what he would think after he hated having the cake frosting all over his hands, but he dove right in! He was Mommy's big helper and would pick up each seed that dropped and would put it in the bowl for me. What a good boy!

Then it was off to Jackie's 27th Birthday/Halloween Party. Grandma Linda babysat Shane for us and it was his first ever sleep over away from Mom and Dad. I am proud to say that he did GREAT! He is now sleeping through the night (for the most part) and even took a 3 hour nap for Grandma which is unheard of! Ryan and I had a well deserved night out and had a great time at the party. The best part...I didn't get out of bed until NOON the following day. Ahh, it was wonderful!

King Leonidas & Queen Gorgo from the movie 300

We love each other...I swear!

Queen Gorgo, Morticia Addams, toga chick & Lara Croft

Jackie (the birthday girl) and I

My neighbors...Morticia and Gomez Addams

Me enjoying my night out...CHEERS!

The price I paid for wearing sexy shoes

Ryan was the first out of his costume of course

My best girls...April and Jackie

The end of the night...can you tell?