He is also loving his new Baby Signing Time DVD. He still signs: eat, drink, more...but now he also does milk and cat (while he chases the neighbors cats outside!). He has been trying to talk A LOT lately too. We have 30 or so turkeys running around near our house and he has been trying to repeat "gobble, gobble, gobble" with a big smile on his face. It is soo cute!
We went to Dakota's 1st birthday last weekend at Helen Putnum Park. It was a beautiful day and we were so happy to celebrate with everyone. HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY, DAKOTA!!
The Long's
Playing at the park
He loves to be up high
Then we had a play date with Shannon and Samuel on Sunday. We went to Rincon Valley Park and then Howarth Park and went on the train and took Shane on the carousel for the first time. We can all tell by the smile on Shane's face that he loooves the train, but I was definitely more excited about the carousel ride than he was!