Sunday, June 1, 2008


Shane is having so much fun exploring now that he can crawl. He has become very independent and will play on his own for a long time while I clean, cook, etc. He is discovering his voice and decided he likes to SQUEAL! He yells back and forth with Daddy a lot. Here is a little video of him playing by himself and squealing away. He sounds like some sort of underwater creature!


Anonymous said...

Hehe!!! I wonder what he and lulu would do if they got together, she's squealing too when she plays by herself (rare but she does it occasionally). They'd probably just stare at eachother, LOL!

I miss you too! I had fun at lunch last week, we'll have to do it again soon.

Marni's Organized Mess said...

How cute! I remember that age!

Nykky said...

Hey I like your blog! Crawling! Thats exciting and tiring. hehe. Yeah my yard is a mess and huge, but I'm working on getting off my lazy buty and being more active so this is helping.