It's amazing how much can happen in a month! I went back to work and Shane now spends three days a week with Grandma and two days a week with Daddy. It was quite an adjustment at first, but now everyone is getting along just fine. Shane has discovered his TOYS! He now happily sits in his chair and plays with his toys for quite a while. He is also doing great with his tummy time. He has been rolling over from his tummy to his back and from his back to his sides. He still loves to stand more than anything. We even managed to get a picture of him standing on the couch all on his own! It's pretty amazing for 3 1/2 months! Here are a few new pictures of our growing boy and a cute little video of him and Daddy playing his favorite new game... Peak-A-Boo! Enjoy!!

Oh SO cute! I love that video, what a sweet kid, he is so happy!
Love love love the b/w pic with the hat! Going back to work I remember was such an adjustment. You seem like you are doing just fine but let me know if you need to chat.
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