Merry (early) Christmas!

We did an early Christmas with Ryan's family this year since his sister is going to England to spend the holidays with her husband's family. Tammy and Peter cooked us a wonderful brunch and then we opened presents. Shane got books, clothes, some cute things from his Grandparent's trip to Disneyland the week before and his favorite was the bath tub toys from Aunt Tammy and Uncle Peter! Ryan got gift cards to the Cutlery store and is very excited to go out and buy his new Emmerson knife today. My favorite gift was the
gorillapod that I used to take the group portrait above. It's such a neat gift and I know I will use it constantly! Thank you Sandi, Warren, Tammy and Peter for such a wonderful (early) Christmas!
Grandma Sandi was giving Angel a closer look

Shane is always fascinated by Angel's loud squawking

Tammy and Peter got some good hiking supplies

Shane was trying to be festive, but refused to smile!
Shane really liked his new bath toys!

Shane loves his Aunt Tammy
(I love Uncle Peter's thumbs up in the background!)

Ryan torturing his Mother

Everyone looks great in the hats I made for them!

Shane could not wait to get home and play in the bath

He is soo cute, I couldn't decide on just one of these smiles to share!