Shane got his first ear infection shortly after starting my new position. He was fine all day, but started saying his ear was hurting that evening and then it quickly turned into all out pain during the night. It was an awful feeling hearing him cry and being unable to do anything to make it better. Luckily we got in to the doctor right away the next morning and he responded quickly to the antibiotics. I feel very fortunate that it took almost 3 years for this to happen as most of our friends have had trouble with ear infections since birth!
Just before Shane got the ear infection, he and I escaped to the beach for a little fun in the sun...and wind! We had a great time building sandcastles and chasing seagulls. The pouty face is because his friend the seagull wouldn't let him give him a hug!
September also marked an even that Shane had been waiting for all year...the "scary store" opened up in preparation for Halloween! Last year we took Shane to the Spirit Halloween store at least once a week, if not more, to see all the "scary stuff." He had been waiting and waiting for the scary store to be opened of course we went the very first day and got him his Iron Man costume. He just loves skeletons and spiders and dressing up and all the scary things that go along with Halloween. He wanted to try lots of masks...but only the skeleton ones!
The next week I was told that Iron Man was spotted at Target one day while I was at work. Then Ryan sent me this picture of Shane in his costume and his Spiderman slippers. Yes, he took him out in public like this and it wasn't even October yet! lol
Shane is REALLY obsessed with Iron Man now. I heard him whispering in his room one night, "Shhh, Iron Man you are supposed to be sleeping!" I was cracking up! Iron Man also enjoys a good soak in the hot tub every now and then.

In preparation of Shane's 3rd birthday, Grandma Linda ordered Shane an awesome new swing set! So one drizzly day Ryan and I managed to get it all put together in Grandma's backyard. Shane was pretty excited to have his own playground!!
We were long overdue for a playdate with Shannon and Samuel, so we met up with them to see Petty Theft, a Tom Petty Tribute band, that was playing outdoors at the Northgate Mall. It turned out to be a beautiful night and Shane and Samuel got to have ice cream and dance the night away! These boys are too cute!

We ended the month with Cash's 4th birthday party and Shane's first visit to Pump It Up! I was concerned how it would work out since it was a Sunday night party and Shane has never really liked the jumpy houses since he is so little and gets knocked around so easily...but he had a BLAST playing with the boys and going down the huge slide over, and over, and over!