He did great that night, but when it came time for nap the next day he was not as excited. He got out of bed once and banged on his bedroom door, but I explained to him that he was a big boy and big boys stayed in their bed for nap time. He has never gotten out since! Even in the morning he will wake up and stay in bed and call for me until I come in..."Mommy...it's not night time anymore! Mommy...come IN here!"
Not to say that the transition was that simple. He did cry for the first couple of weeks at bedtime and would say, "My big boy bed is NOT BETTER!" but at least he stayed in bed! I was worried about him falling out too, so I put a big pillow on top of one of our plastic storage tubs next to his bed. He did great until I found him like this a couple weeks later!

He also fell out one night when he had a cold. I heard a thump through the wall, but no crying. I peeked in to check on him and he was kneeling on the floor by the bed. I picked him up and laid him back down and he said, "Don't worry, the kitty is okay. Love you Mommy..." and fell right back asleep! Um...yeah...my son thinks he is a cat and tells us all the time that the "kitty" wants this and the "kitty" wants that. He is a crack up!