Let's go back to August...Ryan and I had a lot of kid free time last month. We went to the wedding of my girlfriend that I have known since 1st grade! It was a beautiful day and they are such a cute couple. I got to see a lot of old friends from High School that I haven't seen in years and Grandma Linda watched Shane so we could really enjoy ourselves!
Suzy and Gabe Nelson!
Gorgeous bride!
Dancing with the new bride
Known these girls since elementary school!
Beautiful couple
I even managed to get Ryan on the dance floor!
Then we celebrated Ryan's birthday at the end of August. We went with his Mom, Step-dad, sister and brother-in-law to Sonora for the weekend. It was the very first time we had left Shane for an entire weekend!! He had a great time with Grandma and we had a great time in Sonora. We went to Moaning Caverns and rappelled down the caverns and raced on 1500 foot zip lines! Then we took a tour of California Caverns and got to see the literal view of absolute darkness! And spent the final day in Columbia where Ryan's Mom and Step-dad got married 10 years ago. It was a wonderful birthday weekend!
On our way to Moaning Caverns
Ready to rappel
Ryan has done this many times before
But here I go for the first time...
Ryan decided to stop and talk to some boy scouts half way down
There I go down the 165 foot cavern!
We all made it down safe and sound!
Then it was off to the zip lines...and I beat Ryan!
Taking our tour of California Caverns
The whole gang in one of the large rooms in the cavern
Saying good bye in Columbia, CA
Then I had a girls night out and went to see Nickelback in concert (which I have been waiting 5 years to do!) and Ryan and I even had a "date night" and got to go to Sea Thai Bistro! I have been wanting to go there since we moved to Rincon Valley well over a year ago. I think that is the first time we have gone out to dinner alone since Shane was born, so it was a well deserved treat!
We spent a day at Dillon Beach during Labor Day weekend. We met up with friends that were camping there and had a great time. Shane loved exploring the dunes and even went in the FREEZING Northern CA ocean!!

Shane has been having a lot of fun in water too. We will have to do swim lessons next summer. I thought he would be worried about going in the hot tub, but he went right in and just started walking around like it was no big deal. He had lots of fun "swimming" with Daddy.
He has been experimenting in the bath too...putting his face in the water and floating on his back. He is getting very brave!
I see the holiday season fast approaching, so I have started to get my yarn out again. I need to try new things this year so I made this cute ear flap hat for Shane. It has been a big hit and I have had many people ask for them already! I was worried Shane wouldn't like it, but he LOVES it and asks to wear it all the time.
I had to work over the past weekend in Concord so I had an unexpected Tuesday off which allowed a fun play date with Lennon...or "Lemon" as Shane calls her. We went to the park, but it was quickly taken over by 20 or so kids getting out of school. They are really cute together...Lennon likes to follow Shane where ever he goes, but usually he is trying to escape her! He did give her hugs and kisses when she left and then repeatedly asked for her when he got up from his nap. I just love that he has all these adorable friends his age!
We have the big 2nd birthday coming up next weekend and he is very excited! He now tells us that he will be 2 and wants cake! This has managed to sneak up on me and I feel very unprepared, but I am soo looking forward to it and all the birthdays we have next month. It's going to get crazy again...I'll try to keep up with the blogging though!
Oh, and did anyone notice my nice new header I made? It was long overdue!