Hello to all our friends and family!
I decided to start a blog page to keep everyone up to date on our progress. As you should all know, Ryan and I are expecting a baby boy soon. Shane Lee is due on October 5th, but I'm hoping he will arrive a bit early! I am scheduled to walk down the aisle in my best friend's wedding next weekend, so any time between Sept 23nd and Oct 5th will be fine with me! It has been such an amazing 9 months, but I'm starting to get pretty uncomfortable and I just can't wait for this little guy to get here!
Make sure to check back for updates and leave us comments! Today is my last day at work and I plan to update this site as much as possible.
Here are some of the 3D ultrasound pictures we had done in late July. It's so amazing to see our baby in such detail before he is even here!
Our sleepy little boy refused to wake up!

Here he is sucking his thumb...

We can already see he has cute dimples like his Daddy...

In this picture Ryan was talking to my belly and got Shane to crack his first smile : )